Wednesday, January 14, 2009

McCann Runs ... very slowly

The new Chop Talk Q&A is out over at This weeks interview is Brian McCann. He is a pretty light tempered guy and it comes across in the interview. You can usually find him on the bench laughing it up with friends Kelly Johnson and Jeff Francouer. I even once got an opportunity to go down to field level for a warm up and meet McCann. He came up to me and said, "Hi. I'm Brian," and smiled something fierce, and you could tell instantly that he was a real nice fella. But, his running speed really leaves something to be desired.

This off season, coming off his second Silver Slugger in three years for catchers, McCann is determined to be healthy, so he can win many more in the future. He told Dave O'Brian about his recent loss of 20 pounds. Good job Mac, I have been battling to do the same myself. It ain't easy. One thing that did strike me was this comment:

McCann: I'm lifting weights like I did last year, with my brother Brad and Mark DeRosa. But I run three days a week on the treadmill. I usually run about 20 to 25 minutes, so it's probably about two miles. It gets my heart rate up and burns a lot of extra calories. I figure it can't hurt, since the more weight I take off, the less stress it puts on my knees. I'm only 24 years old, so I think I'm starting this early enough that it will impact my career.

Huh? He runs 20-25 minutes and goes about 2 miles. That would be 10+ minute miles. That is really, really slow. For example, not to brag, but I average 3 miles in about 25+ minutes, and I don't consider that very fast. Now, I know Mac's a catcher, as was I, and that we are blessed with 'catcher speed,' but come on, if a fat ass like me can run 8 minute miles, then he should be able to as well. Either Mac is not a much of a distance runner, or he isn't very good at math.

3 comments. Leave Your Own!:

WRudolph said...

A couple observations:

1) McCann is damn slow.
2) treadmills are not very accurate. it takes me about 25 min to run 3.1 miles. It takes the same amount of time on a treadmill to run just over 2 miles.
3) McCann is probably running at top speed on the treadmill where most others run at jogging pace

Scott said...

oooh harsh. he's a treadmill to get his heart rate up and burn calories. hes not training to be some marathon runner or to speed up or some crap. hes a catcher. he runs for two reasons: to lose weight and to strength his knees. i doubt he really hopes to improve his speed from the plate to the bunted ball rolling three feet in front of him.

that said, he's slow as hell.

Anonymous said...

hahaha very funny. In high school, when I was an athlete (which he still is), I could run twice as fast as him.

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