Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Late to the Party, ESPN Steals My Article

Eight days ago after, A-Roid was exposed, I wrote an article (HERE) about baseball MVP's in the steroid era, and re-awarded many of them to the non-alleged-cheaters. Albert Pujols got four to add to his two, Moises Alou got one, Frank Thomas another, and so on.

Today, ESPN's Rick Reilly was given a front page article on their website - one that says the exact same things. Its in their magazine too. It proclaims him as being special for looking back and taking away those awards wrongfully given to those we now call cheaters (Bonds, Juan Gone, A-Rod, etc.). Hundreds of thousands of people are going to read this column, between the website and the magazine - hell maybe even a million or two. It'll probably get talked about on Sportscenter and Baseball Tonight and that thing they show in the daytime with pizza or whatever.

So kudos to you Rick Reilly and your massively heightened exposure, because without you I might not have gotten worked up and suddenly a quest to find you in a dark alley behind the seediest strip club in the most drug-riddled town in America - and smack you in the face.

Here's the link, Rick:

Here it is again:

Written and published February 10, 2009. I'll take your article as a compliment to the strength of my ideas. Thank you.

2 comments. Leave Your Own!:

adam said...

I think that dark alley might be behind my house. I see Reilly sneaking around and stealing my ideas all the time.

Andy Mills said...

Everyone write him an email...we must receive on air promotion for this injustice.

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